Yesterday evening, my Dad helped us cut the ribs using a table saw. The maple is very hard, so it was sometimes difficult for the saw to cut through it.
YAY! I can finally comment. This is amazing, Ris!! I love watching the progress and can't wait to see the whooooooooole thing. You'll be famous someday and everyone will want what you make! eee! :)
Watch as I make a viola, step by step. I'm going to be making a copy of a Laurentius Storioni, originally made in 1795. It will have flowers inlaid near the points, and will finish to be 16 in. long. I'm going to be making and using an inside mold to make the viola. I'm learning violin/viola making from Al Faruolo, along with my brother and sister.
YAY! I can finally comment. This is amazing, Ris!! I love watching the progress and can't wait to see the whooooooooole thing. You'll be famous someday and everyone will want what you make! eee! :)
Thank you, Hannah! :)
Yes, that is so neat that you're making a viola! I can't wait to see it when it's all finished. :)
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